Real Poses

REAL POSES dedicates to a language which is spoken in silence but which is in the same time in deep interrelation with our talks. It´s not only the spoken word which makes you understand. The body talks as well. More often than we think. What comes first: the things heard or seen? Words or body – what appeals to us.

Concept-Choreography: Canan Erek
Dance: María de Dueñas López, Virág Arany
Sound: Carlos Sandoval
Video: Roberto Duarte
Light: Nikola Pieper

Premiere: 14. of November, 2013 in Uferstudios Berlin
A Production of Canan Erek in cooperation with Tanzfabrik and Uferstudios Berlin, kindly funded by the City of Berlin – Department for Cultural Affairs.


“Plumbing the depths of body language is nothing new in itself. But to explore it as a phenomenon of the zeitgeist offers refreshing insights. And that’s what Erek and her comrades-in-arms do.” 19.11.13 by Annette Jaensch

“Canan Erek develops dance from the observation of reality. …All in all, “Real Poses” takes on a complex and broad theme. The evening contains enchanting elements, but sometimes lacks conceptual rigour. But it is convincing that Canan Erek continues to hold on to these connections at a point in time when the wave of reality copies has long since subsided. It shows: this is her theme, independent of fashions and real or supposed preferences of curators. One must also first come to such clarity.”
Neues Deutschland 16.11.13 by Tom Mustroph

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