Tanz! Heilbronn
TANZSALON was an artist talk series which I curated between 2014-2016 in order to exchange ideas about artistic collaboration between dance and other art disciplines. With different topics, in different venues there had been four TANZSALON in Berlin which were hosted by the association ZTB e.V. (Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin).
Dance & Literature October 22th 2014
Salon-Guests: Christoph Winkler und Tanja
Dückers in the former Karl-Marx-Buchhandlung
Dance & Music March 13th 2015
Salon-Guests: Meg Stuart, Ingo Reulecke, Brendan Dougherty
und Billiana Voutchkova in the former Karl-Marx-Buchhandlung
Dance & Visual Art June 18th 2015
Salon-Guests: Künstlerduo WILHELM GROENER,
Julian Weber und Michiel Keuper in SomoS – art project space
Salon-Guests: Mark Coniglio, Sven Sören Beyer,
Frieder Weiss und Marcela Giesekein CINIQ-Center